(red text denotes text changes made since the last bylaw edition)

Revised February 1996



Section 1. This organization shall be known as Tacoma Local No.237, United Paperworkers International Union (AFL-CIO).





Section 1. Application for membership shall be upon the forms provided by the International union and shall be voted upon by the general membership at its regular meeting.

Section 2. Any member who is two (2) months or more in arrears in the payment of dues or assessments shall forfeit all rights of membership until such dues or assessments are paid.

Section 3. The Executive Board shall have the right to replace any officer or Committee member who fails to attend at least one (1) regular meeting of this local union during each calendar quarter without just cause, as provided by Article IV, Section 3 of these bylaws.



Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held at 4:30 p.m. the second and fourth Mondays of each month, except during the months of June, July, and August when only one (1) regular meeting shall be held on the second Monday of each of those months. However, the Executive board shall have the right to call a second regular meeting on the fourth Monday during the months of June, July, and August.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Executive board or by any five (5) members in good standing, calling on the President that an emergency exists.

Section 3. The Executive board shall meet when call is made by the President, Vice President, or any two (2) members of the board. Communications, Unfinished Business, New Business, and Bills may be discussed.

Section 4. Five (5) members in good standing of this local union shall constitute a quorom, and a quorom shall be necessary to hold a regular meeting of this local union.

Section 5. At regular meetings a drawing will be held. All Local No. 237 members who attend will be eligible for the drawing except the President, Vice President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer.  The drawing prize shall be $20.00. The drawing winner may elect to receive a U.P.I.U. jacket in lieu of the cash prize. No more than one jacket per year per person.



Local Officers

Section 1. The officers of Local Union No. 237 shall be; President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, three (3) Trustees, and permanent members of the Standing Committee, the same to be known and recognized as the Executive board. Their duties shall be set forth in the International Constitution.

Section 2. In remuneration for faithful discharge of duties, the local union shall pay Shop Stewards, Safety Committee members, Attendance Clerks, and delegates to the Central Labor Council, a sum of $25.00 per month. Standing Committee, except Chair-person, and trustees holding one or more positions, shall only be paid for one position.

Section 3. Vacancies among officers or permanent committee members shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board subject to approval by members of the local union at the next regular meeting.

Section 4. Any member nominated for office in this local union, must be a member of the United Paperworkers International Union and have been in good standing for the year preceeding such nomination.

The Treasurer and Financial Secretary shall hold no other office listed in Section 1 of this article.

Section 5. The President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Financial Secretary shall be bonded in the amount of ten percent (10%) of money handled during the previous year. The above named officers shall be the only duly authorized persons who can sign checks of this Local Union. The local union shall pay the premium of said bonds.




Section 1. The Standing Committee shall consist of two (2) elected members, the President, Vice President, and the Recording Secretary. All adjustments and grievances must be referred to the Standing Committee before any action is taken.

(a) Members having adjustments or grievances (or believing that they have) must report to the members of the Standing Committee before taking action, and must wait for the action of the Standing Committee of the Local Union.

(b) A member having an adjustment or grievance requiring the Standing Committee to meet with officials of the Company, must, when requested, accompany the Standing Committee to such meeting and assist in presenting the case. Any members who fails to comply with this Section, shall forfiet any and all rights to assistance from the Local Union.

Section 2. Special committees, not of permanent nature, shall be appointed by the Chair unless directed otherwise by the membership.

Section 3. The Negotiating Committee shall consist of four (4) elected members and the President. This Committee will serve out the length of the contract.

Section 4. The Negotiation Committee will report all voting proposals to the membership 48 hours prior to voting on said proposal, unless prevented to do so is of an emergency nature; then the 48 hour rule may be waived.



Initiation Fees, Dues, and Assessments

Section 1. Initiation Fees shall be Thirty-five dollars ($35.00).

Section 2. Dues shall be payable to an authorized officer only, on or before the first day of each month and shall include per capita tax and local union dues. The total amount of dues and per capita tax shall be no less than the amount set by the United Paperworkers International Union Constitution rounded up to the next highest whole dollar amount.

Section 3. No changes may be made in the dues and/or initiation fees except under the following conditions:

(a) Changes in dues shall be automatically made to comply with the United Paperworkers International Union Constitution pursuant to Section 2 of this Article. Said constitution may be amended from time to time by the International Union Convention.

(b) Changes in dues may be made by a vote of the local union membership. The exact nature of the proposed change shall be set forth in a notice widely published to the membership before the meeting at which the vote shall be taken on such change. The voting shall be by secret ballot. A majority of the votes cast must be in favor of the change to make the change effective.

Section 4. Provisions for assessments under specified conditions may be made by the local union upon a vote of the local union membership. The exact nature of the proposed assessment shall be set forth in a notice widely published to the membership before the meeting at which the vote shall be taken on such assessment. The voting shall be by secret ballot. A majority of the votes cast must be in favor of the assessment to authorize such assessment.



Salaries and Expenses

Section 1. The salaries of the elected officers shall be as follows:

President $170.00 per month
Vice President/Standing Comm Chair $150.00 per month
Recording Secretary $150.00 per month
Financial Secretary $150.00 per month
Treasurer $170.00 per month

Section 2. A meal allowance of fifteen dollars ($15.00) will be paid to any member required to attend a meeting on Local No. 237 business for each five hour period such meeting covers, with a maximum of thirty dollars ($30.00) per day in meals.

Section 3. Any member required to lose time from work to attend to Local Union business, shall receive lost time wages equal to the amount of wages actually lost from work.

Section 4. When a shift change is necessary for an officer or representative to attend to Local Union business, ten dollars ($10.00) will be paid to the person making such shift change accommodation.

Section 5. Negotiating Committee members shall receive eight hour’s pay for each day lost from work to attend to Local Union business. Said pay shall be based on the highest rate of pay for any member on said committee.

Section 6. Delegates attending conventions or conferences requiring overnight accommodations away from home shall be paid per diem equal to current Federal Per Diem rates. Travel expenses shall be paid as per the International Constitution. For delegates on Local No. 237 business under fifty (50) miles from home, Local No. 237 will pay the expenses occured.

Section 7. Officers, committee members and other representatives shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each meeting they are required to attend provided they are not being paid lost time wages for such attendance.

Section 8. Any member required to attend Special Meetings on non-working time, shall be paid twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for such attendance , and shall further receive a meal allowance pursuant to Section 2 of this Article.

Section 9. No differential pay shall be paid to any member of any committee or delegation unless such member has actually lost differential pay.

Section 10. All officers, committee members, and delegates shall register their hourly rate with the Treasurer.

Section 11. No check may be issued unless presented to and approved by a majority vote of members in attendance at a regular or special meeting, or unless authorized by standing rules adopted by the membership. Authorization for disbursements shall follow U.P.I.U. International headquarters recommended voucher generation procedure. All checks shall require two Local No. 237 bonded signatures.

Section 12. The Executive Board may authorize the expenditures of up to seventy-five dollars ($75.00) from Local Union funds as a donation to a person or organization outside this Local Union. Amounts in excess of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) must be approved by a membership vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority at two (2) consecutive meetings.



Election Procedures

Section 1. Nominations for the elected positions shall be held not less than thirty (30) days prior to the election date. Only members who are eligible for local office in accordance with International Union Constitution, shall be nominees.

Section 2. Notice of the election shall be mailed to each member at the last known address or be widely posted in the mill not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election date.

Section 3. Voting shall be by secret ballot.

Section 4. The membership shall elect, or the President shall appoint, an Election Committee of at least three (3) members, not less than thiry (30) days prior to the election date. The Election Committee shall:

(a) Have ballots prepared after the nominations have been completed.

(b) Send notices of the election in accordance with Section 2 of this Article.

(c) Count the ballots in the presence of such members as may wish to attend the counting.

(d) Prepare a written, signed report showing the number of votes for each candidate, to present to the Recording Secretary, together with the ballots and any other records used in the election. These ballots and other records shall be retained for one (1) year from the election date.

Section 5. The President shall be the first delegate to all conventions and conferences. Additional delegates and alternates shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership upon secret ballot.

Section 6. Trustees shall be elected to serve three (3) year terms, with one to be elected each year. In case there are two (2) vacancies, the candidate receiving the majority vote shall serve the longest term.

Section 7. Standing Committee members shall be elected to serve two (2) year terms, with one to be elected each year. In case there are two (2) vacancies, the candidate receiving the majority vote shall serve the longest term.

Section 8. The Vice President will serve as Chairman of the Standing Committee.

Section 9. Nominees’ names shall be listed on the ballot in order nominated.


Revision of Bylaws

Section 1. Any additions, omissions, or amendments of these Bylaws, must be voted on at two (2) consecutive meetings by secret ballot and approved by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote, unless otherwise provided herein.

Section 2. Any proposed additions, omissions, or amendments of any Article or Section of these Bylaws, must be made in writing and presented to the Recording Secretary prior to the motion being submitted to the membership.

Section 3. The Bylaws must be approved by the International Union President, as provided in the International Union Constitution. Local Union Bylaws must be in accordance with the International Union Constitution and Bylaws and if a conflict arises in any Article or Section hereof, the provisions of the International Union Constitution and Bylaws shall govern.

Date February 6, 1996

Approved by Wayne E. Glenn, President